KWAR Advice

This is a Quick and Dirty page with links to various helpful advice and documents for those who are interested in putting on a KWAR. I hope you find this helpful but if not, it was worth what you paid for it.

KWAR 2004 bid

KWAR 2004 Final Budget

Advice from the KWAR 2004 Steward

To whoever gets the bid for KWAR 2005, I offer you email, web space, and email discussion/announcement lists. For your web site you can use the same location I used in 2004 ( I am NOT offering to create a web site for you, just provide the space and some administration. I use a professional hosting service and I have plenty of space to spare. You can have your own logon to upload files, etc. That does include shell access. My server does not support Front Page extensions, but they are a bad idea anyway. It does support server side includes, PHP, CGIs and much more.

In addition I can provide you with email addresses such as steward(at) and classes(at) Those can either forward to your regular email or you can have POP boxes on my server. If you choose the pop boxes you can access them either from a typical email program or using webmail (login is at I can provide as many addresses as you have staff you wish to connect.

Finally, you are welcome to use the existing KWAR discussion lists (we had one for staff, one for merchants and one for anyone) or add new ones. I can administer them for you or you can administer your own lists if you know how.

If you get the bid for 2005 and you want to use these services, just let me know. None of these services will cost you anything.
